Dr. Bostani’s Advanced Dental specializes in removing impacted canines at our clinics here in Burbank, California. Impacted canines are the result of teeth becoming entrapped in the jaw bone, lying underneath the gums, and may result in problems further down the line if not treated.
When your tooth remains stuck in the bones and trapped under gum tissues, oral health issues such as cysts, possible tumors, or damage to other teeth can occur. The most common type of impacted canines is your third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth. The next most impacted teeth are the upper canines, also known as the eye teeth. These teeth usually become impacted due to there not being enough room in the dental arch.
In order to check your teeth’s position, an X-ray will be used, checking the canines position and whether they’re adjacent to the rest of your smile. To avoid any complications in relation to your teeth’s alignment, jaw bone, or gum tissues, our professionals will give your smile the care it deserves by surgically exposing the compromising tooth. If needed, they will remove the tooth.
Dr. Payam Bostani wants you to have the best oral surgical care, especially when it comes to an impacted canine. Contact our office at (818) 918-5533 for a consultation or to schedule an appointment today!